I'm always to have for a good project. Here you can see some that I have already worked on.
SHIFT was the main subject of the Designbiennale Zürich 2023. A shift may be a transformation, a metamorphose or just a slight variation of the position. There are many ways to interpret this word and to work with it. I've chosen to create a possibility to experience the shift from real worlds to virtual worlds. It's a shift that is quite abundant in today's time, and virtual places take up ever more space in our lives. I wanted to make such a shift explicit in an example that is accessible to everyone and that has a connection to the botanical garden, which hosted the biennale: The gardening work shall be partly placed into a virtual context. The visitors can interact with a dead garden consisting of sand only. The flora lives in a virtual space, whose parameters directly depend on the state of the physical sandbox.
Together with Tina Friebel, an artist and teacher, we turned this project to reality. We separated the project into the physical part, that I did work on, and the virtual part - designing a collection of completely new plant species, which was Tina's work.
This was an initially quick Corona Project, that I would now like to further develop. The Idea was to get a table with an integrated chair, that is foldable in such a way, that one can easily transport it and quickly assemble it at a nice place in nature. I made some quick small size sketches with cardboard and then went directly to the human size implementation without too much planning and by using my own body as measurement instrument. The result was better than I initially thought and therefore I am planning to now make further iterations to make the system lighter, more compact and thus really mobile (right now it is mobile, but not really comfortably so). Here you can see how it is assembled:
At this point, the table holds together by gravity and friction forces only, which makes assembly super easy. It is quite heavy though, and therefore I am currently experimenting with a composite of MDF and Cardboard as material together with my brother. Below you can see a 3D model of the table.
If you are interested in owning such a table, you can write me; Currently, each table is a unique and super exclusive product!
This is my latest project and will be my master thesis. The goal is to simulate a group of gas- and vapour bubbles in water. The surface of the bubbles is discretized as a triangular mesh. These meshes are evolved using the boundary integral method.
In this freetime project I simulated the time evolution of the wavefunction of a quantum particle. The wavefunction was discretized on a regular threedimensional cubic grid and the time evolution operator was approximated using the operator splitting method. For this method, the wavefunction has to be converted from real space to momentum space and back at each time step. This was done using a fast fourier transformation library. The quantum particle in the video below scatters on a group of three trees that have a higher potential than their environment. The 3d-models for the trees were obtained by photogrammetry of a real tree group in a forest in Schenkon.
In the context of a semester project I ran some simulations of circumstellar disks (that I haven't writtem myself). In this project I learned a lot about how to run simulations on a computing cluster. At ETHZ every student has access to a computing cluster in Lugano. The simulation consists of solving the hydrodinamic evolution of a gas- and dust disk rotating around a star at the disk's centre. I analysed the emergence of hydrodinamic features such as spiral arms and vortices at the disk's inner edge due to the irradiation of the central star. The video below shows the gasdensity of such a disk after it has already generated some strong vortices near the inner edge (the five dense resp. bright regions on the video).
Within the lecture "Astrophysical Computation" (autumn semester 2020) from the UZH (university of Zürich) I implemented an Integration scheme for the N-body problem. I used the Hermite 4th order scheme (with the predictor- evaluator- and corrector-step) for the integration of the equations of motion. For this scheme, the calculation of the acceleration and the jerk (the time derivative of the acceleration) have to be computed for each particle. In this project, this computation was carried out exactly (without applying any approximation methods) by computing the acceleration and jerk with each other particle and adding the results together (direct Summation). In order to speed up the calculation a bit, I used the graphics card of my notebook and let it compute the accelerations and jerks in parallel. In the following, I will show you some results.